The Flow is the easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

Simply use The Flow technique when you talk to a woman in person and she will instantly feel attracted to you and open up to the interaction.

She will then want something to happen between you and her right away (i.e. exchange phone numbers, kiss, have sex).

You then move things forward (to a phone number, kiss, date, or sex) and she happily welcomes it because she wants you just as much, if not more than you want her.

It makes the whole process of meeting women to get laid or get a girlfriend 10x easier.

It’s truly incredible how it works.

You can use The Flow to:

  • Attract a woman when you first start talking to her in person and then quickly get to a phone number, kiss or have sex that day or night.
  • Attract a woman on a first date and then kiss or have sex that day or night.
  • Attract a female friend, or coworker and begin a sexual relationship with her.
  • Recover from a bad impression you made on a woman and cause her to suddenly feel attracted to you and want to date and have sex with you.

The Flow eBook

The Flow eBook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

318 pages. PDF format.

Written by Dan Bacon.

Instant download.

Opens on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

30 day money back guarantee.

Price: $97

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The Flow eBook and Audiobook - Discount pack

The Flow Audiobook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

4 hours, 23 minutes of audio. MP3 format.

The Flow eBook read by Dan Bacon. Audiobook version.

Instant download/listen online.

MP3 format. Opens and plays on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

30 day money back guarantee.

Price: $97

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The Flow Audiobook

The Flow eBook + The Flow Audiobook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

The Flow eBook – 318 pages. PDF format.

The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio. MP3 format.

Instant download.

Opens on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

30 day money back guarantee.

You get:

  • The Flow eBook
  • The Flow Audiobook

Price: $194 Only $127 (you save $67)

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Why Did I Create The Flow?

The girl who cheated on me and then dumped me

A long time ago now, I got into a relationship with a pretty girl by pure luck.

I then gradually became very needy, jealous and insecure in that relationship, which turned her off.

She then cheated on me and dumped me.

Dumped, lonely and lost

I was devastated.

From there, I lost a lot of confidence because I knew that I had no idea how to attract a pretty girl.

I could attract some interest from unattractive women, but most guys can do that.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get the kinds of beautiful, pretty women that I actually wanted to be with.

They just weren’t interested.

Everyone else around me was enjoying love, sex and relationships and I was on my own.

I’d look on at couples and think, “How did he get her? What has he got that I don’t have? What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get a girl like that? Why aren’t women interested in me?”

Back then, I didn’t know what I was doing wrong.

Deciding that enough is enough. I need to figure this out

I didn’t know that I needed to actively create a spark with a woman and I didn’t even know that it was possible.

I thought that women selected guys purely based on looks and if you weren’t good looking enough, tall enough or rich enough or popular enough in society like a celebrity, then you weren’t going to get a pretty girl.

Months and then years of my life wasting away alone

Months and then years of my life wasted away while I was on my own feeling left out and wondering why I couldn’t get a girlfriend.

Dan Bacon deciding to become successful with women

Eventually, I decided to go out and approach women every weekend in bars and clubs and work out how to actually get myself a pretty, beautiful girlfriend.

Initially, when I was approaching women, I got rejected all the time because I still didn’t know how to attract women, but I gradually started to work out how to attract women as soon as I started the conversation in the first 10-30 seconds, during the first few minutes and then how to build on her attraction during the interaction.

I discovered how to get women to hug me and kiss me and go home to have sex with me.

I was usually having sex on the first night, but if not it was on the first date or second date.

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

Dan Bacon - The Modern Man

While I was enjoying all that success with women, I made sure to keep some notes about what I was saying and doing.

I wanted to note down a game plan and know what I needed to say and do to pick a woman up and that is what eventually became The Flow.

You can now read The Flow ebook or listen to audiobook version and quickly learn all of my secrets on how to naturally attract and pick up women so you can get laid or get a girlfriend.

This is a completely new, updated version of my eBook The Flow.

It includes all of my best original techniques, PLUS all of the advanced and mastery Flow techniques that I’ve developed over the years that make picking up women so much easier than ever before!

Don’t Waste Another Day Feeling Unhappy About Your Lack of Success With Women

Use The Flow to begin enjoying your choice of women

A lot of guys waste most of their life thinking that they can’t have a pretty woman because they’re not good looking enough, tall enough or rich enough.

A guy will often waste most of his life just looking on as everyone else has relationships, or he’ll accept women that he’s not even very attracted to because he doesn’t feel like he deserves a pretty woman.

Everyone else around him will seem to be getting laid and getting a girlfriend so easily, but he’s always on his own.

What I want you to know is that you CAN attract beautiful, pretty women.

It’s not possible for a guy to pick up every woman in the world, but it is possible to make MOST of the women that you interact with feel sexually attracted to you and want you.

In most cases, all it usually takes is 1 to 2 minutes of actively making the woman feel sexually attracted during a conversation and she’ll open up to being with you.

The Flow is a simple, natural step-by-step process that any guy can use to get laid or get a girlfriend.

So, if you’re sick and tired of seeing your life pass by while everyone else is enjoying sex and relationships, just start using The Flow and you will immediately begin to enjoy easy, natural and consistent success with women.

The Flow eBook

The Flow eBook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

318 pages.

Written by Dan Bacon.

Instant download.

PDF format. Opens on smartphones, tablets, PCs and MACs.

30 day money back guarantee.

Price: $97

Add to Cart

The Flow eBook

The Flow eBook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

318 pages. PDF format.

Written by Dan Bacon.

Instant download.

Opens on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

30 day money back guarantee.

Price: $97

Add to Cart

The Flow eBook and Audiobook - Discount pack

The Flow Audiobook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend.

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

4 hours, 23 minutes of audio. MP3 format.

The Flow eBook read by Dan Bacon. Audiobook version.

Instant download/listen online.

Opens on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

30 day money back guarantee.

Price: $97

Add to Cart

The Flow Audiobook

The Flow eBook + The Flow Audiobook

The easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend

What to say and do to effortlessly flow from a conversation to a kiss, sex and into a relationship with a woman.

The Flow eBook – 318 pages. PDF format.

The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio. MP3 format.

Instant download.

Opens on phones, tablets and desktop computers.

30 day money back guarantee.

You get:

  • The Flow eBook
  • The Flow Audiobook

Price: $194 Only $127 (you save $67)

Add to Cart

“Hi Dan!

Before reading your Flow ebook, I was really struggling with dating.

For many years I was too afraid to approach women because I didn’t want to come across as creepy or pushy. And if I did muster up the courage to approach, I always ended up being too nice or not confident enough, which meant I got friend zoned or rejected.

It was frustrating because I knew that I had a lot to offer, but I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to make a genuine connection with women so they wanted more than just a quick chat with me.

Your book changed everything for me.

When I gave your technique a chance and approached a stunning woman at a party, I was still a bit nervous, but I felt more prepared and in control than before. And to my surprise, it worked like a charm.

She was incredibly attracted to me and we left together and had sex at my place two hours later. I couldn’t believe it was happening.

I did it again and again for several months just to prove to myself that it wasn’t a fluke and now I’m in a relationship with beautiful woman and I feel like a new man.

Your knowledge not only helped me improve my dating skills, but it also gave me a boost of confidence and self-esteem that has spilled over into other areas of my life.

So thank you for sharing your knowledge on this topic man. I was so lost and frustrated about women before and now I am in control. Thank you!! MC”

I have a beautiful girlfriend now thanks to The Flow.

I used it to get a woman from work who I had a crush on for 6 MONTHS and didn’t even have the courage to talk to her for more than a minute.

The Flow gave me the confidence and know-how to talk to her, get her attracted and make the relationship happen. This has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. James”

“I recently lost my virginity and I owe a huge thanks to you and your Flow book.

I also kissed another girl at a party and have two other girls interested.

Wow is an understatement for me.

This has been completely life changing for me. Had I not found you I know I would still be a frustrated virgin. Thank you! Frankie”

“Absolutely love “The Flow” I landed an amazing girlfriend thanks to you. Not only that other areas of life are starting to come together. You are the man keep up the amazing work! TC”

“Hi! I’ve put your concepts of what to say to women and how to say it into practice.

I would say to anyone how well it works.

Women used to look through me like I was invisible.

Now whenever I choose to turn it on, women respond very positively and I get the results I want. It’s like a revelation to me. This is what I’ve been missing all these years. Thank you. Mike”

“I am blown away at how quickly I have gotten results.

I expected a long road to victory but I used the conversation examples and the attraction methods from the book and it is scary how well it works. No one knows that I am using techniques but they are all asking me why so many women like me all of a sudden.

It is incredible.

I have been having sex with two women over the past three weeks and now another girl from work is all over me. Absolutely incredible. Your book is the best investment I have ever made in myself. Paul”

“Hi Dan, I ended an 18-year relationship earlier this year due to infidelity on her part and hit the dating scene really for the first the ever.

Scary at first… My confidence was pretty low due to how the relationship ended, but that was short-lived after purchasing the flow….

Being a normally confident guy, this process gave me the recipe for pulling chicks my confidence beyond my expectations.

Using the process, I have hooked up with 7 women in the last 8-weeks – making up for lost time!!

It’s crazy how often they will say ‘I’m not normally like this…’ or …’what a whirlwind that meeting was…’ moving them from hi to sex in a matter of hours.

I’m glad in some ways that not many men know about this, because I feel like I have such a tremendous advantage of all other guys trying to pick up women.

At times it feels like shooting fish in a barrel – something I’ve never experienced before.

With the process really embedded in the way I interact with all women now, it has changed the outlook and confidence i have in life.

Knowing that if I go out and want to take a new lady home, I can make this happen is incredible.

Me and a couple of mates now have challenges in how quickly we can get a number, kiss and move them to a kiss.

I set a new record on Saturday from hi, kiss then number in just over 4 minutes.

This is the confidence and proof that your method works.

I have the last couple of weeks gone out by myself, with the intention of taking someone home. Both times within a matter of hours.

Thanks for all the info you share. It truly is life changing and I would love to buy you a beer sometime to say thanks. Cheers, James”

“Hey Dan, so I bought your e book The Flow and had amazing success with women, I had more women in this year then I have had in my whole life prior.

Now I’m in an amazing relationship, she’s good to me and I want it to stay that way. I have watched every single one of you YouTube videos on relationships and I’m willing to buy the make her love you for life program also.

I just don’t have the money as of right now, but I will buy it soon. I guess what I really wanted to say was thank you for everything you do for men.

The best part about being in relationships now is I’m not worried or live in fear that if it doesn’t work out for whatever reason I’ll be okay, but I want to make sure that this relationship I’m in stays, we continue to make each other happy long after many years have gone by. Jeremy”

“Hey Dan, man thank you so much my life has changed a lot since i started reading you stuff last year and got The Flow and a couple of other programs from you.

I got a very beautiful girlfriend, my friends are busy asking me how i got her.

They are shocked at how she is the one initiating everything here.

I got her phone number then i used your line saying “Hey its.. don’t call me all the time on phone no. Because my wife might get suspicious” she laughed and we chatted for a few minutes I was making her laugh.

I then called her and then arranged a meetup. She agreed we met up.

At the date she kept giving me sh*t tests e.g she said I look like monkey because I was not shaven, ha ha ha I just laughed and made a joke about it.

She initiated the first kiss, thats when i knew i passed all the tests she was giving me.

Damn! Dan I understand women because of you my friends do not understand whats going on because I was struggling with women now they are chasing me, all i do is initiate talking in a way that is naturally attractive to them. They just feel a spark and start chasing me.

So Dan after coming back from the date, I asked her for another meet up at the hotel last and she agreed, we had great sex, i made her cum.

She is more than excited and is crazily in love with me i can tell even by the way she looks at me.

I cant believe how it all happened because she a 9/10 but what I do is that I use your strategy of not being smitten by her or showing her that she is above me in terms of looks even though deep down I know she is f*ckin hot.

But I don’t compliment her too often i only compliment her when its due so she is always feeling like she needs to impress me, when we are meeting up she dresses up and do make up.

Bro she is super hot.

Thanks very much Dan for everything man I don’t know how many times i used the lines you teach on your programs, they always work for me. FM”

“Hey Dan, I want to tell you that buying “The Flow” has given me cheat codes to girls and it was definitely worth the money!! I’m 18 and having this information feels like having google maps when trying to solve the labyrinth that is women. I wish I could give you a hug as a huge thank you. I am getting the girls I want now. It’s amazing! Justin”

“2 months ago I had a breakup with my ex. This is when I discovered your videos on YouTube. They helped me through that difficult time and gave me a lot of confidence. I ended up not following through to get her back for personal reasons.

When I accepted that I was going to be single again I decided to buy “The Flow” from you.

Sometime later I met a girl I used to have a crush on but then I was much too shy and insecure to have a chance.

Now I have applied the steps of “The Flow” to her and yesterday I had sex with her for the first time. I want to thank you for your good advice. You are a HERO! L.S”

“I never knew getting girls could be so easy until I got The Flow. Dan’s techniques are amazing and work like magic. I’m more confident than ever and have been hooking up with girls left and right. I even have a few regulars now. This is real guys. You’ve got to try it. I am still blown away by it months later. Jake”

“Thank you Dan and the Modern Man team, your teaching and guidance has massively helped me! I now have a beautiful girlfriend and maintain a great relationship thanks to what you teach – which I wasn’t able to do in my marriage – it ended in divorce. After my marriage broke down, I found the Modern Man brilliant teaching online. What you guys say helped my gain my confidence, find a beautiful girlfriend, keep the spark in the relationship and hugely helped me in life too. Absolutely superb! Every man should listen to this before getting into a relationship. Thank you Dan and the team I am very grateful! J from UK”

“Hi Dan & the gang, just wanted to let you know that after about 3 weeks of watching your videos on Youtube, and starting on the Flow & Better than a Bad Boy, I’ve had a raunchy 3 some, and all nighter 1 night stand.

This is huge for me because previously I’d been more or less living as a part time hermit, part time workaholic and was really, really rusty. Thanks guys very grateful and optimistic for the first time in years! J”

“Years ago I hit a low point, no confidence and no prospects and no idea how to get out of this self imposed pit I’d found myself in.

Shy, retiring, unable to speak with women.

Slowly I approached these products and my confidence grew. I learned to take risks and have the conviction of my choices.

A few years down the line my confidence has grown tenfold and I’m now happily married.

Dan and co your advice has been invaluable and is a testament to the fact that any man can improve himself and become more than he thought possible. All my thanks. Lee”

“Dan you are truly the man when it comes to knowing your sh*t about the attraction and the respect of woman. Since purchasing the flow and your guide to conversation picking up woman and talking to them is a piece of cake! I have slept with many woman many of them wanting me to be in a relationship. C”

“Hi Dan,

I can’t state enough how much you changed my life with all of your work.

I’m certain this is not the first time you hear this, but I want to tell you how I really appreciate all of the material you put out there, it means a great deal.

I was not very successful with women, but it’s much easier now when I can with certainty say that for the first time in my life I understand women. Plus, they really like me now and I get dates, sex and offers to be boyfriend-girlfriend so easily.

There are a lot of dating coaches, gurus and so on, these days on internet, and I’ve followed some of their work.

There is one simple, yet so strong difference between all of them, and you.

You give your advice from a different place. An honest place, a place of good intentions, and man can feel it in the way you talk and explain things, and one can take it in feeling good himself and feeling a better man while doing it.

It really is a process in which I found some unexplainable peace. Thank you for that. You changed my life and I will be forever grateful. William”

“I’ve been following your coaching for months now. Covid has been a b*tch in the game of things, but I am still getting results.

I have been in Portland, Oregon since following your training. Recently, I took a trip to Florida where things are pretty wide open and the women are very appearance driven.

I have to say using the bare minimum and even rusty/getting warmed up of your skills training, I’ve struck gold on more than one occasion even though I don’t have the best physical appearance. Average at best.

I hooked up with a very pretty girl a few nights ago that would probably in a usual setting be a very locked down kind of girl, or closed up girl as you would say.

Last night I hit it off with a beautiful girl who was with a guy. Even when the guy showed up at the bar, she kept grabbing my leg and flirting with me. You have been a life changer! B”

“Hi Dan,

I recently purchased The Flow audiobook. This was a great purchase I have seen the value now from it.

I haven’t ever been good with women enough to be in a relationship or attract them.

It’s only been a short time but I’ve already had a date and got the first kiss it was slightly awkward she nearly head butted me haha.

But today I have basically had a great conversation with another chick and without meeting her she wants to have sex this is from the building attraction by [Edit: Customer revealed important technique from The Flow] with her.

She started with saying her guard was up and then I got through her guard and she says I am annoying in a good way.

So already I have value from your teachings – I hope it continues to reap rewards I will keep listening to it. Regards, Dean”

“Dan what a journey it’s been!

I think I was the first South African to purchase The Flow from you (if you remember, you mentioned that in a comment).

Just wanted to let you know that I applied techniques on a girl I had a huge crush on in highschool 10 years ago and was too afraid to talk to; and she is now my girlfriend, because I demonstrated masculinity, alpha and domineering traits, all thanks to your training.

Thank you so much! I can’t believe how much difference the mindset of [Edited: Mindset removed. Customer referred to a very important mindset that we teach] makes! I actually feel like a man now and it feels right, she feels comfortable being in a feminine role. Many thanks Dan! Matt”

“Hey Dan, just wanted to say thanks to you and everyone else at the Modern Man for your email advice and the Flow.

The success I have been having with women since using your product has been mind blowing. My confidence is on a new level and I have become the alpha male i always wanted to be despite not thinking I could do so for the longest time.

I am dating a girl for the first time in two years and it is going great. just the other night she told me how she loves how I don’t have to try and impress her and just overall enjoys how I treat her (referring to the skills taught in the flow). you guys really know what you are doing, keep up the good work! Chris”

“Dan. I’ll post a comment under one of your youtube videos too. I started with your Get Ex Back system. I had to listen to it a few times. I made a few mistakes, tried certain parts too early. But holy sh*t, I bought a few more of your videos, started going out.

I’m in my 40s and started trying out the flow and trying out your other advice. Mind blowing.

So I was chilling and some hot millennial came up to me the other night and did the exact same things you talked about in the flow.

I was able to quickly react with the appropriate body language, touching the arm, sexual attraction, all of it.

She got my number and bam, text, address. We then hooked up that night. These chicks don’t mess around.

I’m at a point now where I could meet up with my ex but I don’t even care anymore. Started chatting with another millennial and seeing where that goes, she’s cool and hot. Everything you said is right.

So awesome man. I’m having the best time. J”

“I’m not one to usually leave testimonials, but The Flow has been a game-changer for me. Dan’s techniques have helped me get the girls I’ve always wanted. His advice is practical and easy to follow. Highly recommend. Mike”

I’ve got a girlfriend now thanks to The Flow. I also just purchased Make her love you for life. I would like to thank you for this, i never thought i could learn real effective techniques from a random guy on youtube especially because im not good with technology and English isn’t even my native language but i was wrong. It’s crazy to realize that this works for anyone around the world. Anyways just wanted to tell you how im doing and please make sure Dan gets this message because this changed my life. Andres (Costa Rica)”

“I bought “The Flow” on audio and have listened to it like 10 times. I highly highly highly recommend this book! Money well well spent. It’s the best and most simple well laid out content I’ve found.

The way you teach to get phone numbers and to get the first kiss is Gold. I’ve used the number technique maybe 20 times now. I’ve made out with 6 women now since I started taking action in the last 3 months. Only used your kiss technique once but it is on point.

I have bought and learned a lot of content from other sources and I mean what I said about how great “The Flow” is and how it is the simplest, well laid out and natural content I’ve found. Corey”

“Dan Bacon, I hope you read this: I went through a bad divorce.

Was in a profoundly toxic relationship that shattered my ability to speak to women let alone a waitress. I saw your video in my recommended and thought it was junk… I watched a few videos from other “gurus” and all of them sunk. I saw you again and thought I’d give you chance.

Your first video blew me away. It helped reframe my perspective but something was missing. I’m highly analytical, I’m quiet, blah blah blah… but then you recommended your book. I did some research. I was skeptical but I was way more nervous speaking with women.

I bought your book The Flow. I read the first two chapters.

I executed it like I was in a play and all the women I spoke with were actors. I legit was stuck in the framework of my past experience but after using The examples you provided, talking to women has never been so easy. I got a girl’s contact info + made plans to go hiking. It’s been 3 days since I bought your book.

Radical stuff. I highly recommend The Flow to anyone!!!!! Christopher”

“I’ve gone through the Flow twice. You guys have a solid product. I went to a party where there were four hot girls there…by the end of the night all four of them wanted me.” M

“Dear Dan Bacon,

I want to share personal info to know the great things you did for me with your books,

I was divorced for 5 years with depression and deep thoughts of self hating and remained every bad memory in my Relation with x wife, after while when i was in my healing stage i just watched your channel on YouTube one after one and i realize i had many misunderstanding for the dynamic of the flow and how the attraction happen between the male and female, so i bought your Audiobook The Flow and guess what..its the best thing happen for me in this stage of my life.. i live in different country with different culture but i really understand the concept that you are talking about and adapt it in everything in my life like:

I can talk easily with any girl which i was thinking before they are out of my league including good times with some of them I can observe and notice their behaviors and hidden meaning behind it

In my work (Am now project manger in important company in Saudi Arabia which i was not thinking to get this far)

After one month i will be master degree graduate. I met unique girl and she now my fiance. I really appreciate to share this knowledge to make the people get back on the road. Best, Tariq”

“I have been using the techniques for a few months now and ladies are actually inviting me to their houses now.

I finally got the girl I been trying to get to notice me to go out to drinks and later she went home and to the hot tub with me these skills are more than pick up advice, they are life communication skills thanks DAN!!! Brent”

“Hey Dan, bought the audio the flow. I wish I can send over the emotions I am feeling. The response from women is amazing. This is what I was missing. Thank you for the social intelligence. And thank you for the flow. Vince”

“I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’re doing. You’ve honestly changed my life in every way imaginable, I’ve got more success stories than I have space to write [Customer contacted us via the contact form on the website, which has a limited amount of characters], but after I started with your stuff everything changed.

Girls started showing interest and I knew how to handle it and turn it into a phone number, kiss and date. I am still shaking my head in disbelief at how simple it has been to get girls on dates and then have sex by following your Flow process. It is mind blowing to me.

I’ve had success with girls before, but I didn’t really know what I was doing. Now I know exactly how it works and it honestly feels like I could get pretty much any girl I like.

There are still some mistakes I make because I’m improving, but with time I’ll get that sorted.

You really are the real deal. I really could have gone down many wrong paths in terms of this area of my life, but now I feel like I’m in good hands. Honestly, I can’t really put this sort of appreciation of your work into words, but thank you once again and please keep helping more people. AS”

“Hey Dan 🙂 I had an incredible experience last night! I went to my high school reunion with intentions to speak to the most beautiful girl at the celebration.

I went to the bar to get a sparkling water, and she walked up to me and started a conversation. Woah!

And she wasn’t the first one either, Nearly every hot girl I was interested in, walked up to me and started the interaction.

Also, after being my confident-self around these beautiful girls, everyone else noticed that I was a cool guy to hang around with, then I noticed that seven people were facing towards me and listening to what I had to say.

Wow, I love this feeling so much.

Not only that, but I saw a girl that friend-zoned me back in high school badly and called me a wimp. She initially had low respect for me initially (hence why I said “almost all the hot girls), but as I spoke normally and expressed my attraction for the girls through my body language, she opened up and started touching my arms and even my chest.

The girls that were out of reach for me during high school, especially the smoking hot ones, never liked me, but now they consider me to be the hottest guy in the room amongst other bad boy types.

I also learnt to tone it down (the verbal flirting) with most of the girls I spoke to. I just allowed my smile and my eyes to do most, if not all the flirting. (It’s working like a dream for me, since I don’t like talking that much amongst women.)

The more promiscuous girls absolutely love it when you speak sexual all the time, and then they’ll be ready to move it forward based on attraction alone.

Throughout the party, I wanted to nail my approaches since I get nervous at times at shopping malls when doing that stuff, so when I saw a random girl I’d approach and say “hi there *girls name*” reach out my arms and hug into her then look up and down and say “Wow, aren’t you looking fantastic” with a sexual smile and squint of my eyes.

They all melted when I did that, even girls who already have boyfriends blushed and had that thought in their mind of “omg! I feel so attracted to him right now. He’s incredibly hot”

A girl that I was purely friends with at the moment (she’s shy but incredibly cute and sexy) was giving me advice on how to pick up her friend and get her to like me, and how much she likes me and whatever without even asking.

When I was at the celebration last night, she didn’t even mention her friend but was instead, flirting with me and being all shy as usual. When we were talking she moved in closer and squared herself up to me. When she looked at me she had strong eye contact with dilated pupils.

She blushed as we spoke and I took her outside near her cat and hugged her tightly for about eight seconds, then she said “you’re an amazing hugger Will” then I smiled and moved in for a kiss.

This would have had to be one of the best, most amazing and most fulfilling first kisses I’ve ever had.

The sexual tension between her and I was completely ridiculous and kissing her made us both really, really hot in the moment.

Both of us just breathed out and stared into each other’s eyes and kissed a couple of more times before we both agreed to meet up for a couple of drinks at the beach.

I find it amazing how just by being a man of really strong purpose (I’m going after what I feel is important with unrelenting determination) and when you have deep, strong confidence, men and women no matter what age are incredibly drawn to you and want to be your friend or want to be your girlfriend (if they’re female of course).

I really want to thank you for the advice in your programs because now I have my choice of women and now they want to impress me. From W”

“Hi, i just want to thank you. Your programs have helped me a lot. I purchased the flow to try it and saw it was working well very quickly, so I also purchased 21ways, ultimate guide to conversation and make her love you for life. It is so cool learn this stuff. In the past, I was quite good with women, but only in bars and they weren’t even that hot. They were okay, but weren’t the kind of girls I was looking for. Using your techniques, I can now get pretty girls that are so much hotter than before and it is easy to do. So thank you very much. You are doing great job for us men. I really appreciate it. L”

“Hi Dan,

I started listening to your stuff a couple of years ago. The one thing I knew I had to do was apply what I was hearing. Getting the flow gave me that confidence and motivation. I suddenly felt the urge to talk to women I liked.

To begin with, all I wanted was the ability to get the girl I wanted, not to get all girls. I just practiced flirting with a couple shop staff, and girls I saw on the street. I was not even trying to get a girl.

One time I went out to a friend’s birthday, it was so boring, I went home early, on the train I sat next to an Indian girl listening to music. I decided to be bold and asked her what type of music she like, then i showed her some music from my phone.

Long story short, we got off the same stop and she took my number. We started dating, she is 22 i am 32, but she is freak in bed. I dated her for 2 months before i decided i could not see myself with her in the long run. we had break up sex, she still wants sex with me, even though I don’t want it with her.

Basically she is waiting for me to change my mind, as she said to give her a call when I am horny.

Thanks to the teaching i received in the flow and putting that into practice, i even have girls at work wanting me. I just don’t want to play the field though, I just want one girl. But at least I have the tools to get her when I see her.

Thanks Dan. Adrian”

“The Flow has changed my life for the better. I used to think that dating was a game that I couldn’t win, but now I know that with the right strategy, I can succeed almost every time I try.

I have gotten a phone number, kiss or sex from about 80% of the women I’ve tried this on and I’m only just at the beginner stage. I know I can do better at using the flow properly and push my results up to 90% and more.

Previously, I was at about 5% success rate. I had no idea what I was doing and lost so many opportunities because of it. Dan, you’re a true hero for us single men out here, and I can’t thank you enough! Patrick”

“I could actually see that something was wrong with my approach to women, but I could not figure it out.

My friends had it all and they were not trying hard. I was a nice guy and I thought if I was nice I will get them (woman), but no I did not get anything.

The more assertive and masculine I have become the more I get what I want. I have woman calling me now and it feels good and I choose who do I want to be with. BK”

“I purchased the flow 4 years ago when I was very young…

I remember someone saying “That’s a lot of money for an E-Book!” Not at all.

Possibly the best investment of my life.

Not only did it improve my success with women but it also improved my success in life just from gaining that extra confidence.

I am now in my second year training to be a doctor after showing my confidence and nailing interviews, I’ve had some great girlfriends over the last few years and I’m only single when I want to be. Good work Dan and all the best! Jamie”

“Dan, I just got to say y’all are brilliant and thank you for sharing your secrets. I have been reading “the flow” quite a bit haha and listening to your other programs too.

It’s amazing how all things work haha. I was no good with the ladies (mostly I cared too much about what everybody thought of me but really it doesn’t matter, cared too much about how I look in public and had little confidence) haha Now I see the big picture.

I was at a party with some mates and I saw my ex girlfriend there. I quickly started using the techniques from “the flow” and other programs ( using the three L’s technique, flirting, starting conversation, good mindsets and etc)

Less than a hour, we started to make-out and had a lot of fun together! It was an awesome night! I’m still working my way up to become a natural like you. Dan,Ben and Stu, thank you! Guillermo”

“Hey dan all thanks to the flow and better than a bad boy.

I managed to get a genuine babe’s number on the plane. Even though my opening line was do u have any panadol i never cracked under pressure when she was talking to me and stayed calm the whole time.

She pretty much talked my ear off the whole flight and i did pretty much nothing i just listened and added in a few facial expressions. after a while i started acting bored and that made her work even harder to get my attention. Thanks dan and the modern man for everything. we are catching up for dancing on sunday. Jesse”

“Thank you modern man, at age 21 my virginity is no longer an issue and your program has helped me develop a natural flow with women so I have had plenty of sex lately.

Learning about confidence has made a difference. Recently one of the girls I am dating offered to take me out for lunch and pay for both of us. Obviously, attracting women is no longer an issue for me. Thato”

“The products at The Modern Man are the REAL deal and have changed the game dramatically for me!

Thanks to Dan and the techniques in the Flow and Dating Power, my results with women are off the charts! I never had serious girl problems but I knew there were definitely gaps in my “game” where I could improve.

Implementing the formula from the Flow and now understanding HOW women enjoy being talked to, I find myself being a much better gentleman and overall person. Major props to Dan and the team at The Modern Man for changing my life. Lavon”

“I got your book The Flow thinking that I wouldn’t be able to get much of a different result than I’d had with women for much of my life. I am surprised to say the least.

Your advice is spot on and the conversation and humor and flirting examples you provide worked the first time I tried them on a woman. I got myself a phone number when I went out the first night of approaching with a friend from work.

I then went on a date with her and it was at her place for dinner and we had sex afterward.

She wasn’t my perfect woman so I kept looking and a couple of weekends later from that I went out with my friend again and met a stunning blonde.

She was getting hit on all night and bored of it and I saw that, so I used your Flow approach and got her laughing and enjoying the conversation. Next thing you know and her and I were kissing. We’re now three weeks into a new relationship and I feel on top of the world.

You deserve a lot of credit for the work you have done Dan. It is spot on to say the least. It really does work and I thank my lucky stars for the day that I found your site. I will be definitely looking at getting your relationship program now and may the Better than a Bad Boy video series. Ethan”

“Any guy who isn’t learning from The Modern Man is missing out big time. I’ve been getting laid like crazy lately….it’s funny how easy it is once you get it. Ricky”

“Hi Dan, I just to say thank you for the information you’ve provided in The Flow.

I only wish I’d had something like this 30 years ago when I was out and about chasing the young girls. But never too late I guess.

I’ve struggled my entire life with shyness and eye aversion issues so hasn’t been easy. I’m just over halfway through you ebook and have seen some results already. I was at a show earlier today and found myself flirting with the assistant.

I acted as though I knew she liked me already and used one of the humor examples you provide in the book. It worked! Her eyes lit up and she showed a lot of interest in me right away. I didn’t quite go all the way and try to get her number or anything – but you can’t imagine what a huge deal that was for me.

I can feel that it’s only the start of much more to come. Thank you again. You are the smoothest talker with women I’ve ever heard, by the way. Garrett”

“I struggled to get girls my whole life, but The Flow has turned things around for me. Dan’s approach is simple, practical, and effective. I’m now dating an amazing woman and couldn’t be happier. David”

“Hi Dan

I wanted to share my experience with you guys so far.

I found Modern Man last summer when I was driving up to a coffee shop while watching a beautiful girl getting out of her car.

She saw me checking her out and I parked and got in line inside. She was directly in front of me and started giving me all the signs to start interacting with her. I didn’t know what to say, or even continue a conversation.

I froze, said hi and smiled and left feeling frustrated. I went home that day and found The Modern Man. It started with The Flow, and now I own all your products.

I don’t want to sit here and say how immediately I was getting laid to try and make myself look good.

I really needed a lot of work. So I took it one step at a time. Firstly I knew that I had a SOLID foundation of being a great person. I treat people well and am a great guy. Secondly, I needed better communication skills.

I based a lot of this on your TI technique [from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation].. I really began improving interactions not with just women, but with everyone. I found that I’m good at this.

It came fairly naturally and quickly. So I built on these “new found” communication skills and began interacting with new people everywhere. Soon I was much more comfortable in my own skin because everyone I have found so far is open to friendly conversation.

I began to realize, women are easier to approach. I’ve kissed a couple of women and women who are interested in me are keen to be around me and be involved in my life.

I am now getting more phone numbers easily. More women are involved in my life, which means more opportunities. I am now in control of who I like and decide to move forward with intimately.

My desperation has depleted dramatically and my standards are continuously rising. My life and confidence (or ability to be myself around others) has increased exponentially in the last 10 months and funny enough I appreciate women a lot more. I foresee continued growth as I seek a level of comfort that you guys at the Modern Man are able to enjoy.

I was a little intimidated at first because I knew that I would eventually have to interact with beautiful women. Now, it seems I just be myself, talk with everyone, and women tend to seek out my attention. More importantly, I’m aware of it now.

I still have goals to reach and skills to refine, but it would not have been possible to make so much progress so quickly without your invaluable advice and knowledge. Thanks Dan, Ben and Stu! I’m so grateful. Dave”

“Hi Dan, just bought your Flow book this morning after watching some of your youtube videos. I’m amazed. Listened to the audio by afternoon.

First girl I approached tonight (that I would never had the guts to before) proved me this stuff works! At first she wanted to take things slow, now basically begging me to give it to her. It’s simple, but amazing! Got over my breakup really quick too. Thank you so much, well worth the investment. Simon”

“It’s painful to admit, but I now acknowledge that I’ve wasted a good 15 years of my life doing the wrong things. I am so glad to have found this material. I’ve got a date lined up with a pretty girl this coming week. Michael, Canada”

By the time I got to page 40, I had already broken the ice with a girl I had never even been able to get a smile out of.

Reading it was like flicking a switch in my head that changed my mindset straight away. I can only imagine how much easier things are going to get once I start really start to follow the techniques fully. P, Australia”

Your techniques are fresh, intelligent, sincere and written in a easy to understand casual way – real life. Your 3 second look up and down followed by “Your pretty and I like your style” comment is great. I’ll be using that one tonight at a party I’m attending. Lee, Canada”

“After years of enduring on with the odd bit of luck – I’m now having sex with new women all the time, which is what I want because I think I deserve to enjoy this before settling into a relationship.

The flow ebook was a total bargain and I can’t thank you enough for the clarity of the examples and instructions you provided. Five stars from me. Brian, USA”

“First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH, Dan!! You have helped me SIGNIFICANTLY with my life when it comes to women!

I have been dating this girl for about 2 1/2 months, and I used to have this 2 month curse when it came to women.

I never really was all that bad with women to begin with, but I had a horrible problem of trying too hard with them (like trying to impress them) and with falling in love with them too quickly. Because of your book, I have learned what I need to change in my life to get the results that I want out of life!

Thanks to your book, I have got this girl to go from “let’s just be friends” to “when are we gonna hang out again?” if you know what I mean. Anyway, thanks again, Dan! You are a LIFESAVER! Drew, New York”

“Fantastic! Absolutely eye-opening. Dan – your ability to take the reader through the process of a natural courtship, while making it all so simple is amazing.

The results speak for themselves – I can actually walk up to girls now and chat to them confidently. It’s only been a week and a half and I’ve gotten 3 phone numbers…this is awesome. Steve”

“Not a month after reading your book, I went out to the bar with some friends. Well, in the past I would have hung out with my friends and thought “If I talk to anyone else aside from my friends, I’m going to get ridiculed”

I decided that, no matter how much I might trip over myself and goof things up because I’m not used to going up to strangers and striking up a conversation, I would do it that night, and let me tell you.

Its amazing how much different things were just taking some of your tips on just projecting confidence and not slinking away at the first sign of resistance. Your book is like my bible now!

To this day, being Wednesday, it has been 4 days since I was out with those friends, and I have phoned a couple of the numbers, didn’t go fishing for a date, actually never asked for one in the first phone call, and THEY called ME back asking me to meet up for coffee or drinks or whatever.

Women are now calling me to set up dates, so I just have one word left for you guys….THANKS! Jeff, Canada”

“Brilliant! I was the typical nice guy who was nervous around women but in a matter of weeks, all of that has changed.

I was chatting up a girl at a bar the first time I tried your flow approach to conversation and I was shocked at how well it worked. I had her eating out of my hands for 20 minutes and we left the bar together that night.

My confidence has gone through the roof and I’ve made a load of new friends as well. Anande, London”

“Norwegian girls are notorious for playing hard to get and making guys work for months to get anywhere with them.

Well, that is what I thought prior to using The Flow on them.

I got laid the first weekend I went out approaching and got a serious girlfriend the following weekend. You are saving lives Dan Bacon…I was severely depressed and lost about what to do about my situation with women before I stumbled across your website. Pete, Norway”

“Dude…my whole life, women only saw me as a friend. But I read your book and BAM! In just 3 months, I went on 8 dates! Your stuff is straight up mindblowing. And get this, I ended up picking one of the best women from those 8 and now she’s my girlfriend! Your techniques are legit and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks, man! Evan, USA”

“I ordered the e-book Flow, figuring I’d blow $100 taking a girl to dinner, so what the hey. You’re right on point!

I used the conversation examples with a woman from work and we went out that Friday night for drinks. We hooked up on Sunday afternoon for lunch and then had sex that night!

Now she is my girlfriend! Getting your book was the best money I’ve ever spent on anything online. I highly recommend this to other guys out there. Trust in Dan, he is the real deal and he gets you results. John”

“My names Anthony I’m 19 years old and used to be the shy guy who didn’t have the balls to go up and talk to girls at all and when I do I had no idea how to speak to them.

Honestly I had no idea how to speak properly to anyone new I would always try to copy what my friends do and found out the hard way that it was the wrong move. The Modern Man products work not just with making you the man most women desire, but making you the man that everyone wants to be around. I used three products to help transform myself these 3 products are: The Flow, The Ultimate Guide to Conversation and Better Than a Bad Boy.

In this economy the price for the last two are pretty expensive especially at my age but let me tell you it was the best purchase I have ever made and it has made my life more enjoyable.

Rather than just hanging out with a girl and hoping she sleeps with me I have the confidence to enjoy every aspect of our time together and escalating to that last step [sex] has never been easier.

If you’re looking to get with women, lose that social awkwardness, and get the confidence and knowledge to do what you truly want in life then I recommend you use products from the Modern Man. My only regret is that I didn’t use this sooner thanks Dan Ben and Stu!! Anthony”

“I recently bought the flow after watching and learning about the modern man.

I’ve been studying since January and my confidence levels have increased ten fold! I’m a 19 years old disabled man in college and working. The only one in my friend group attracting older women between 21-30 years old! May have a date with a 21 year old friend! You’re the best Dan! Grant”

“Best pick up advice I’ve ever found online. TMM are the real deal. Got several women on the go now. Andy”

“Dear Dan,

My success story is that I was miserable at picking up girls and whenever I tried, I always get stuck in the friend zone. That really made me lose it.

I found your site in hope of my solution and it really works! I have bought The Flow and improved so much! I couldn’t believe it would work for me before I tried it, but it did.

Ever since I bought The Flow I’ve had plenty of girls hitting on me. I always liked this girl in my class and I got her to be my girlfriend. So I am very happy to have found you amongst all the noise out there. John”

“Hey Dan, I have been studying the Flow and this Saturday I will be hanging out the first girl that I used The Flow on. Meeting up for a coffee, which I’m sure will lead to something more because I now understand how to get to a kiss and then sex I know I can do this.

So far I have been becoming more confident and clear of my life and the future, and I am starting to manage the stress and life of college better in the last months, and I have nobody else to thank but you and your wisdom.

It feels as if instead of feeling afraid, now that I jumped into adulthood, I feel I want to grow up and learn more, instead of feeling down because of the challenges that will come into my life, like people tend to act.

I have been successfully fighting my unhealthy social anxiety, and am overcoming and understanding the feelings of guilt from beating up the Nice Guy syndrome I lived with for years.

I haven’t had a panic attack in two weeks now, and I used to experience them almost daily! I wanted to write this post to share my progress. Thank you very much man, you have no idea how grateful I am. Kevin”

“Hey Dan thanks for making such a helpful product.

I used to think that girls like nice guys and so I was being overly nice and wimpy instead of nice but also strong and confident.

I was awful with girls, I couldn’t even say hi to them I was very afraid of girls, approaching them was my nightmare but now after using the flow, mastery methods and mindsets and dating power and using it in my life I now enjoy my life with many girls in it. Girls like me and I have lost my virginity just because of you, stu and ben’s products. Tarun”

“I purchased Flow and also listened to many free videos.

I was recently divorced and while looking forward to new relationship, I did not want to make any mistakes (or make only few mistakes) this time. Again, was not sure what mistakes I might have made first time around.

‘The flow’ helped me see my past mistakes (also what I did right) and why I screwed up.

Long story short, I have 5 attractive women to choose from at this time and all of them are keen on me. Thank you for the insights. Truly incredible. N”

“Hi Dan,

It feels good to finally be on this side of the line.

Earlier I used to read all the comments about guys getting girlfriends when they followed you and I used to think when will I be like them.

I got my female friend to date me after such a long time of me just being in the friend-zone with her.

She was a bit reluctant at first but seeing my newly found confidence and alpha-male attitude, she said she started to see me as someone else. Hope I continue the good run. Arjun”

“I’ve had sex with 4 women in the last 2 months. Your flow technique is pure gold and has worked every time I’ve used it so far. I’ll be getting your relationship program next so I am ready for when I want to have a serious girlfriend. Just having fun for now though, lol. Feels good! Royce”

“Guys, I can’t stress enough how well Modern Man’s products work.

I was living in Spain and trying to talk to the beautiful women we all hear about there. Wasn’t getting anywhere, so I learned The Flow technique and simply based on the confidence I was displaying, women started showing a lot of attraction and interest, even though there was a language barrier with 90% of them. I got laid 3 times in 2 weeks…stunningly beautiful brunettes…life-changing for me.

It turns out, no matter where you are in the world, Dan’s flow approach works. 10/10 from me Dan. You rock. I’m now back in the states in Michigan and killing it with the girls here. So easy. Unbelievable man. I love you! BIG thanks from Taylor!”

“Hey, what’s up Dan, just wanted to say that I have experienced some tremendous progress after reading the Flow and watching Dating Power.

Just about every chick at my workplace is into me. I’ve had sex with around one new woman every month and I want to start picking up women in many different places now. Joseph”

“Hi Dan

I first learned about your material in my search for better information regarding women and dating. I went through college with moderate success with women, but I never had the confidence to approach the “hottest” girls who would even give me positive signals that I should approach and escalate with them.

At one point, I was hanging out and having dinners with a beautiful girl who would even come by herself to parties at my house and flirt with me the entire night. She gave me every signal that I should pursue her, but I felt like I was being fake and didn’t want to reveal my inner wuss by messing it up with her or getting rejected.

I also felt that there was something wrong with how I was going about this because I had fantasies of waking up with her in bed and being my girlfriend, yet I hadn’t even gotten physical. Therefore, I did nothing and this “relationship” fizzled.

I later learned that she had had many sexual encounters with other popular guys around my campus. Other experiences like this left me frustrated and somewhat angry.

I read the flow and watched Alpha Male Power about 6 months ago. With the knowledge and empowerment from these products, I began consciously to implement the concepts into my life. I still haven’t fully mastered them, but they have made a huge difference.

A few months ago I met a beautiful, smart girl on vacation in Miami. She was showing me positive signals, and I decided to pursue her during the trip using the concepts I learned from your material.

The knowledge and inner confidence from your products allowed me to become intimate with her on the trip and because we happen to live close to one another, start a happy, committed relationship. I thank you for helping me reverse the habits I learned from ineffective role models in order to become a more attractive, happy man. Sincerely, Will”

“I only just got the book and I’m already on page 48- can’t put it down!

The attraction and rapport techniques seem so obvious, but I know I’ve always been doing the opposite with women and can see how that’s been sabotaging my efforts.

I’ve had the chance to practice today on my colleagues (mostly female) and I’ve already felt like there was added warmth in the way they were interacting with me as a result. I’m looking forward to fine-tuning this skill and learning more. Mikey”

“My parents were quite worried that I still didn’t have a girlfriend at age 29 and it was really getting me down. So I searched online, found The Modern Man and gave it a try.

I experienced more success with girls in three months that I’ve had in my entire life. I now have a great girlfriend and my parents have finally stopped pestering me, except now they want grandchildren…! Wei”

“I got a girlfriend two weeks after reading The Flow.

I was out in the city with some buddies and they were too afraid to approach any girls. They tried to talk me out of approaching because they said girls are b*tches and always have a boyfriend. I didn’t listen to them.

I approached and they were astounded at what happened. All night I had girls interested in me and eventually snogged the girl who is now my girlfriend. Brilliant book Dan. It has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and now my buddies are asking me for advice. Macca”

“Hey Dan. I just wanted to take the chance to thank you and share my success story with you.

I hope you don’t kill me though when you read some parts of my journey. Well I’ve known about you and have had you in my e-mail list for about 4 years now and I’ve been reading your stuff and I always wanted to get your products though I was still on a primary school kids allowance (I was in high school at the time).

Until that one day I bought the flow. And then I kept it on my phone without even touching it and decided to go P.U.A for advice…what a waste of my bloody time I tell you.

So on this so called pua journey of mine I had a lot of stupid sh*t happen until one night I decided to go back to the Flow and finally read it. Well I’m half way through it and………. I’ve got a girlfriend, yes I thought I’d be sleeping with every bombshell on planet earth when I got my dating game right though nah…I f*cked around and got me a good women lol.

Well you did say that many of us will be starting at different levels and you were right. I started getting attention from women just after getting my mind sets right and today I’m at a point where I can be in an interaction with a woman and actually have her wanting me to take it to the next level.

I’m having so much fun with this mindset stuff sometimes I’ll flash a grin and just sit back and start repeating in my head…”I am a man..a strong sexually aware man and women want me “…did that once and she started doing touching on me under the table lol good times.and the vocal exercises have been helping with my mindset.

I just twisted the exercise a bit for a two in one benefit though that’s a story for another day; Though what I wanted to highlight the most was how you actually helped me take attraction to the next level.

Now I’ve always been practicing attractive humor throughout my life without knowing it because I’m the type of guy from a young age who liked cracking jokes and being cocky and making sexual jokes.

And that’s what I did throughout my life even with girls I tried to date and since I started reading the Flow I now see why it never worked in the long run. I could use my natural self to spark attraction very easily and that where my downfall was.

I would just keep doing the same thing throughout the interaction with a woman just because it got her attention instead of shifting into the 3rd phase and developing an emotional connection. And that’s how I always ended up as the funny guy with jokes and nothing more.

Though now Dan thanks to you I’m the MAN!!!…..and my girl knows if she messes up I can have my choice of other women. I now know and believe that.

Now I can finally focus on other parts of life. Thanks Dan. Nhlalo”

“Hey Dan! I’m 25 years old and i’ve been using he flow since my senior year in high school.

I’ve had tons of success with the flow, and recently just broke up with my smoking hot girlfriend of 2 years because it was ME who was not happy.

In the 2 weeks being single, i have already slept with 4 girls. And my phone is blowing up with hot woman, most of who’m i just don’t have the time for because i have more woman than i know what to do with.

Almost every night i have a different date, and some booked days, if not weeks in advance. And it’s all thanks to this life changing product. THANK YOU!!!. Tony M”

“I finished reading “The Flow” 2 days after I had purchased it.

On the third day, I went out into the town to put what I learned in action. It works so well! I talked to two girls, and they both wanted me! What I attempted was wayyy out of my comfort zone, and not what I usually would do, but I put that passed me and just gave it a go.

Worked like a charm. The first girl I talked to was definitely interested, so much so that I felt taking her home was absolutely possible, but after talking for a little I decided i didn’t want her. YES, I chose. Then moved onto the next girl, who was also much more beautiful.

I put the techniques I read about in the book to use, and now she is my girlfriend. It was literally so easy after you know the right things to do.

Before this book I would have NEVER talked to her. Before this book I wouldn’t have even tried because I mean seriously, she seemed way out of my league. Buy this book. It is absolutely worth it. Chris”

“I do not go out much however last night a good friend invited me out and I figured “Why not?”

I go out and have a few beers, after a few we end up at a late night bar. There this drunk douche bag introduces himself, he was wasted. Shortly after we see his girlfriend who is very attractive trying to put him into an Uber. He does not want to and the two of them get into a big fight causing a scene. I tell my friend that no woman should have to deal with that type of man, if anything the roles should be reversed.

They finally leave. 30 minutes later SHE comes back, talking about how bad her boyfriend is etc. I see this as an opportunity. I start talking to her, she needs a real man not some idiot who makes a fool out of himself and has her clean up his mess. I end up taking her back to my house and having sex her with her all night. It was fantastic pussy! She was down for just about anything! Lots of fun. I don’t feel bad about it one bit, I did not coerce her she just fell the urge for a real man, not some pussy who hides behind her, as I learned from watching your videos.

I have been surprised at how easily the techniques work on all types of women, not just single women. Women can’t stop themselves from wanting you when you approach the conversation in The Modern Man way.

It was a great time for me the other night, so just thought I would share this with you guys.

It was definitely not something that I was expecting, I am glad I went out. I see it as a huge confidence boost moving forward! Tony”

“Girls, girls, girls.

That is basically what my life consists of now. I spent my teens and 20s playing video games and never got to socialize much at all so my social skills were quite awkward and underdeveloped.

Just a month after reading your Flow ebook, I am swimming in girls. I’ve been having sex with 2 girls I met through friends at work and I picked up a girl last weekend at my local bar.

I’m confident and I can vibe with any type of person in a social situation now because I know what to say and I know what behaviors to avoid to prevent any awkwardness from occurring. I want to write to you and thank you for making the process of attracting and picking up girls so easy especially for a guy like me who had never really had any attention from girls.

I will be buying more of your programs in the coming months when I get paid. I’d like to learn about relationships now because I feel like I would like to settle down in a year from now so I want to be prepared. Quinton”

“I’d like to thank everyone the modern man. Without you, I probably would probably still have no clue with women. At first, I only wanted to get that one special girl who was a very close friend of mine (whom I met through facebook), but nothing more.

After reading the flow and applying the techniques on other women, she began to take notice and asked me out. And during that date, I moved things forward to kissing then sex. And it’s all because the modern man. Right now, I’m dating casually, and I’m never nervous or afraid of rejection ever again. Again, thanks for everything! Walter”

“Hello Dan, Let me start off by saying that I am by no means a bad looking guy, and I am extremely social, but yet I have just never been good with picking up women. I finished reading your book [The Flow] on friday evening and would have normally just stayed in for the night because all my friends were busy.

It turned out that it was my older cousins birthday that night, so I decided to go out and try the material, feeling like I knew what my previous problems were at this point. I was slightly nervous cause I knew everyone would be much older than me but I decided that your book was right; I had to at least try otherwise nothing would surely happen.

So I get to the bar and its packed. There is no chair for me at their table so I calmly go and find one. I get stuck at the very end of the table, and keep in mind I know NOBODY down there. So we do the usual hand shakes and intros (the guys at that end). I then decide to go and get a drink at the bar.

There is an opening next to a beautiful blonde, so I take it. Now normally I wouldnt have said anything. She was texting and looking completely uninterested in everyone but after reading your book I decided I needed to go for it. I asked her if there were any specials going on. Without turning to me she said “no, its the weekend” (obviously thinking I was just another cheesy guy looking to pick her up).

So I said “are you sure, normally friday nights they have orange juice on sale”. She then turns to me with a puzzled look on her face so I just gave her a grin. I then said “what are you drinking there, it looks horrible”. And she laughed and said it was really good (cant remember what it was now).

She then held out her hand for me to shake and said “hi im Nicole”. I gave her a knock (closed fist) instead and said “nice to meet you Nicole, im Shanequa”. LOL. She laughed pretty hard and said “ok Shanequa, so what do you do?” I then said “I have two part time jobs as a male dancer and whale hunter”.

She laughed really hard again. Now after this point I got a little more serious with my answers cause I didnt want to over do it. I got her number about 5 minutes later and said “nice meeting you, im going to get back to my friends”. I NEVER would have done this in the past, and would have overstayed my welcome by a long shot im sure.

Needless to say all of this I gathered out of your book, and I normally never act like this, but quite honestly it felt natural once I started doing it. This was within 5 minutes of getting to the bar. Later that night I had 2 gorgeous 30 year olds (im 23) hanging all over me.

Because of time restraints I cannot tell you the rest of the night right now, but honestly Dan it was the best and most eye-opening night of my life. I was “the man” in a group of people that were 5-10 years older than me, and got 3 phone numbers of EXTREMELY interested and gorgeous women in one night.

Yeh I know, not breaking any records, but for me thats more than I had gotten in about the previous 6 months! So to wrap it up THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. The info I got from your ebook is seriously priceless. It would have been worth thousands of dollars.

You have honestly changed my dating life from me chasing women around to them fighting for my attention. I still obviously have much more to learn but I am fully 100% confident after last night and it felt very natural to do, while also feeling fantastic to be in that situation.

At the end of the night my cousin even said “when did my little cousin turn into such a stud?” in front of everyone. It was an amazing night Dan, and I can’t wait to get out there more!

For the first time in my life I WANT TO go up and meet gorgeous girls because I feel that I can interest and attract them because I can be “the man” while allowing them to be the woman, which is obviously what they want and what turns them on.

Keep in touch and sorry for the novel…but in case you can’t tell I am stoked. Ian”

“I am a college student and was struggling to break out of my shell. I read your book,”The Flow” last year and things have changed for me so much. I have been sleeping with various women on campus and have been giving a few tips to my friends also.

Your book changed my outlook on myself and what is possible with women. I still have a ways to go to get to your level and I am hoping I can afford more of your programs in future so I can learn the stuff I don’t yet know! Thanks for your help Dan. Sincerely, Alan”

“Dan, I started out being the typical nice guy, omega male. Then I read the Flow, and watched Alpha Male Power.

Ever since then, my life has literally done a 180. I was promoted at work into a leadership position, and then I lead the leaders just because I am allowed to, and I have multiple girls that are super keen on me at my job, and I literally don’t try.

I just flirt with them and use presence and other alpha mindsets.

Girls literally get nervous around me, blush, and don’t know what to say.

It is a huge change. Now I am going through Better Than a Bad Boy and I am going to go after my life’s purpose.

The Modern Man is not only about making you successful with women, it is also about making you a success in your life, and it will have you feeling like a king and being treated better than you ever have before by girls. Aiden”

“When i realised just how bad i was with women and wanted to change i didn’t know where to start so i looked at a lot of PUA stuff and wasn’t really comfortable with it because it just seemed like a scam and was tricking women into bed and wouldn’t really help me in social life. Then I came across The Modern Man and The Flow.

i bought it thinking it was cheap and if it turned out to be sh*t then i wouldn’t have wasted much! BEST MONEY I HAVE EVER SPENT!!!!!!! read it a couple of times that week to get it to sink in properly then went out on a saturday night with my mate just for a few drinks not really thinking about the The Flow and we got chatting to a couple girls, woke up the next morning in bed with one of them!

This was the first time i had chatted up a girl on a night out let alone taken her home! currently working my way through alpha male power and better than a bad boy and life is definitely getting better for me in social, work and sex life. Harry”

“Dan – Just wanted to touch base, update you and say a huge thanks.

As you know i was going through alot of sh*t with my ex gf and all the bullsh*t that entailed. I didn’t try your ex back program but instead went for your advice on picking up new women in Dating Power.

Well, after NYE i got invited on a holiday by a mate who is a retired 35yo wall street trader and a bunch of other mates from all over the globe. We all trade heavily in the markets.

Anyway, long story short, we were staying at a condo on the beach. Man, the European women we met and hooked up with…incredible. I applied your advice and tactics, bedded 4 women in 2 weeks, a kiwi model, 2 russians and a swede. I thought about you oneday and my ex gf and said “I made the right choice not going back to my ex, look at the gorgeous women here we are hooking up with.” And i mean 10/10’s

So thanks for your videos and mate, there is no way im interested getting back to my ex gf, 39 yo single mum who is now with a single father in his 40’s when we are hooking up with smokin hot, intelligent and classy europeans.

Have been invited to an italian mates penthouse in Monaco for a month in May during Cannes Film Festival, it’s gonna be epic and will def purchase The Flow to hone my skills. Cheers, Matt”

“Bought your Flow book 2 weeks ago Dan, brilliant!!!! Got laid on the second night I went out approaching. The first night I only got phone numbers, but Night 2 was a beauty. I’m back in the game! Hayden”

“How’s it going Dan?

Man, have I got a success story to tell you. So me and and a few of my friends went to a small town in Washington for performance gig.

After performing, we decided to go to a popular club in the area and just have a good time.

Once we got there I immediately used the [Edited: Customer revealed an important technique from The Flow] technique and thought to myself, “Man, this is place is great! We’re gonna have some fun tonight!” I could feel my confidence going through the roof.

We all were dancing it up having a good time. It was as if we took the club over because girls were positioning themselves near us so they could gain our attention.

A couple of girls even made out with each other.

At one point, a hot brunette grabbed my ass. When I turned around and saw that she was smiling at me, I jokingly said “You know, if you wanted grab my ass you could’ve at Least bought me a drink. I’m not that easy you know she laughs and then walks away.

I thought to myself “oh well it’s her loss” and started dancing some more.

After receiving a lap dance from another girl, the hot brunette comes up to me and decides to give me a lap dance of her own.

She began to moan as she was grinding on me and she informed me that she wasn’t wearing underwear.

We had sex at the college apartments after throwing an after party and out of the blue, she asked “So why did you choose me?” I just laughed it off and said come here and give here a kiss.

The next night I had sex with another girl that I met at a wine tasting event simply by using the flow. I was kinda mad at her the next morning though because she ripped my favorite shirt when taking my shirt off in a kind of frenzy. I mean, who does that? Just take the damn shirt off normally. Lol. Anyway, Dan I can’t thank you enough for doing what you do! Will purchase another one your products soon to take my game to the next level. Cheers, Sid.”

“Hello Dan, Thanks for the advice you provided in the Flow, I used some of the techniques you provided and I got phone numbers from two different girls in a day. The best I’ve ever achieved. Thanks again mate. Adeyemi”

“Hey Dan – First thing – the flow – wow I loved it I’m in the process of buying more products, when I have money saved. Anyway, I bought the flow about 3 months ago took my time reading it. Two weeks ago a friend and I went out for the first time in ages, I was excited and confident for the first time in years.

We went to a bar that had pool tables so we started playing. About 15 minutes later 4 beautiful girls started playing next to us. There was a bit of looking back for forth until I walked over and said. Ok you guys keep looking at me do yous need some tips? (Mind you I can’t play pool to save my life) they laughed and they were surprised by my approach.

One of them said yeah sure why not, We ended up playing pool for most of the night. I even had one of the girls buying me drinks all I said was alight so argh your shout this round and she did it. At the after party I had sex with the girl I was into and my friend was making out with the other. I’ve learnt in the flow that you just need to treat people as if they are already your friends. I wasn’t even trying to pick up the night it just happened. Thank you sooo much Dan. Byron”

“Hey Dan, Thanks for everything that you guys at the Modern Man provide. This stuff is not only great for improving your life with women, it will improve your life in many other areas as well.

When I bought my first Modern Man product (The Flow), I was frustrated and very skeptical. I actually didn’t apply the information for months after getting it. Then I built up the courage to do it and things changed very quickly with women. Dates, sex and a number of women wanting to be my girlfriend at the same time. Mind blowing to say the least.

When you apply this information, it will change your life in so many ways that these products are worth 100 times what they cost. I am now on a career path and I am excelling in many areas in my life at a faster rate than I have ever progressed. The Flow and Alpha Male Power had such a profound impact on me, that I went on to purchase ALL of the Modern Man products within 3 months of my first purchase (except for Get Your Ex Back).

They are all great products and you learn valuable nuggets of gold from each and every one of them. Guys, do yourselves a favor and get these products. The skills you learn are definitely transferable into any area of life you choose. Don’t waste time stuck where you are. Listen to Dan and you will excel. It works! Brandon”

“I purchased your ‘Flow’ and have found to be immensely beneficial. In less than 3 months I’ve had multiple dates and quality of dating has also improved in that it leads to kissing and sex as well as better connections with women. It is amazing what a man can say to a woman and instead of being flagged as ‘obscene’, I see them lap it up… without exception. Well, there are few who act awkward but then I would not have wanted to do much with them and above stuff acts as good tests to eliminate those worthy of rejection. Keep up your good work. Lee”

“Hey Dan, I am just an average guy with average looks. I used to be tired of seeing successful relationships all around me yet I couldn’t get one. “The Flow” helped me a lot in turning me around. in just a week after reading it, I got attracted to a girl and this time made sure she had the same feelings. fast forward six months, I am in a new country with a new life but she is coming here to live just for me. Dipanjan”

“The products at The Modern Man are the REAL deal and have changed the game dramatically for me! Thanks to Dan and the techniques in the Flow and Dating Power, my results with women are off the charts! I am currently dating a woman I’d say is easily 10/10 and she is totally into me.

I never had serious girl problems but I knew there were definitely gaps in my “game” where I could improve and therefore I could only really get 7/10s and sometimes 8s. Now 9s and 10s are available to me. Implementing the formula from the Flow and now understanding HOW women enjoy being talked to, I find myself being a much better gentleman and overall person and that is also a huge side benefit to me. Major props to Dan and the team at The Modern Man for changing my life. Cheers! Lavon”

“I’ve tried other dating ebooks and courses in the past, but The Flow is by far the best. I’ve had more dates and hookups since I started using The Flow, and I feel more confident and comfortable around women in general. Thank you, Dan!” – Max”

“Getting your book The Flow has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself as a man. It has not only taught me how to be confident, but has given me the type of skills with women that make my friends super jealous. I am currently seeing four different girls at once. Don’t hate the playa! Hahaaa…Tyrone”

“Hi Dan. I made a breakthrough by finally building up the courage to use your advice from The Flow.

Went for a rock climbing trip on the weekend with mates and met one of the girl housemates. Everything started off with friendly introductions followed with some humor and flirting whilst teaching her to climb.

End result: She got touchy-feely, felt safest with me only for climbing, and gave a lousy excuse to her housemate to travel back home with me in my car alone haha. Then stopped at a nearby beach as it was getting dark, and we connected really well!

It was through all that day and the day after (all she wanted was to see me according to her) that evidence of your teachings were bearing fruit. Taking the lead, creating sexual tension whilst friends were around, and just being unpredictable worked miracles!

From her own words too: “I feel like a woman around you.”, “Behind all your jokes, I still see a sensitive, caring nice guy in you. I couldn’t ask for more in a guy”

We then started kissing passionately and things heated up fast. It was clearly exciting and enjoyable for both of us. We didn’t have sex, but I know we will when we see each other next. Though my learning and progression is far from over, this was one HUGE step forward and an eye opener. Thank you thus far Dan, and pass my thanks on to Ben and Stu. J”

“Hey Dan! Last night went like this. I met a chick on the street, went back to her hotel to hang out at the communal spa area/hot tub, then went back to her room and had sex. Went back to the bars the next night and me and my friend pulled two hotties numbers after about 2 hours of conversation and making out with them at the bar. The next morning got a beautiful 18 year old girl’s phone number from the restaurant we were eating breakfast at. Just thought I would let you know. I am excited for the future now. Thank you! TC”

“Using the advice in these programs, I’ve had plenty of success since I first purchased the flow 2 years ago among other products. Soon thereafter, I got a job as a bouncer at a college bar. A buddy and I would get into competitions on how many numbers we could get during the night. As of now, I’ve lost count on how many girls I’ve met, dated, and had intimate encounters with (even while I was working mind you). These products are worth the price, and I hope any guy willing to improve their dating life make this investment. I owe a lot to Dan, Ben, and Stu. So stop wasting time and make your lives better!!! Cheers, Matt”

To submit a success story or review, please contact us here. We would love to hear from you.


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Advanced Dating Pack 1

The Flow - Pack 1

Provides you with additional training that has been designed to get you even faster results with women.

  1. The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
  2. The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
  3. 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
    • FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
  4. Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
  5. Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.

Total price: $485
Pack price: Only $224
You save: $261 (53% discount)

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Advanced Dating Pack 2

The Flow - Pack 2

Provides you with additional training that has been designed to get you even faster results with women.

  1. The Flow eBook – 318 pages. PDF format.
  2. The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
  3. 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
    • FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
  4. Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
  5. Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
    • FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.

Total price: $782
Pack price: Only $357
You save: $425 (54% discount)

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Mastery Dating Pack (All Dating Products)

Dating Mastery Pack

Gives you all of our dating lessons, advice and techniques that result in you experiencing the mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up when you talk to them, women chase you when you begin dating, you always have bulletproof confidence, you always know what to say and do, you experience your choice of high quality women).

These 11 products are the culmination of Dan, Ben, and Stu’s more than 10,000 hours of mastery level dating experiences with women, as well as many years of experimentation, testing, trial and error and development prior to then.

You don’t have to go through many years of trial and error, testing and hard work all on your own to hopefully figure out the secrets we discovered about women and dating that result in the mastery level of success.

You can learn it all from us right now and begin enjoying the mastery level success with women, where women try to pick you up, chase you during the dating phase and hope that you give them a chance.

That’s what women really want when it comes to dating.

Women love to experience the excitement of truly wanting a guy, trying to impress him, hoping to get a chance with him and then being lucky enough to get that chance.

When you make a woman feel that way, she then loves and appreciates you so much more.

If that sound appealing to you, then welcome to the mastery level of success with women and dating.

Enjoy the amazing times ahead for you with women!

  1. The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
  2. The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
  3. 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
    • FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
  4. Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
  5. Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
    • FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.
  7. Text Attraction – 14 hours, 24 mins of video.
    • FREE BONUS 1200 Text Examples: Quick reference guide with all texts from the Text Attraction program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. 535-page eBook. $297 value.
  8. Dating Power – 8 hours of video.
    • FREE BONUS Dating Power Private Examples: Dan, Ben and Stu share 28 uncensored, personal stories of how they’ve used the Dating Power techniques to enjoy mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up, women make it obvious that they like you, women want you so much that they have sex with you on the first night or date and they chase you during the dating phase). 3 hours, 46 mins of video. $297 value.
    • FREE BONUS Dating Power Presentation Slides: 261-page ebook with all the presentation slides from the Dating Power seminar. Helps you remember what you’ve learned from the seminar and strengthens your understanding of key concepts and advice. $97 value.
  9. Better Than a Bad Boy – 10 hours, 50 mins of video.
  10. Alpha Male Power – 5 hours, 33 mins of video.
  11. Mastery Methods & Mindsets – 7 hours, 35 mins of audio.

Total price: $2,467
Pack price: Only $797
You save: $1,670 (67% discount)

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