Here are 5 reasons why a woman will do that and how to get her back:

1. She fell out of love with you, so she no longer felt the need to be loyal

When a guy begins to behave in unattractive ways in a relationship with a woman (e.g. he becomes too needy and clingy, he treats her like a buddy rather than like a desirable woman, he gets angry at her too often, he becomes emotionally sensitive), she will gradually begin to disconnect from her feelings of respect, attraction and love for him.

When that happens, she may begin thinking things like, “I’m just not happy anymore. Being with him used to feel so good, but now I’m just miserable all the time. The spark between us is dead and it makes me feel jealous every time I see a couple that looks happy and in love. I want that to be me. I want to be with someone who makes me feel love and desire for him, rather than stay stuck with a guy that no longer makes me feel the way I want to feel. I’m so confused. Is it time for us to break up?”

If she then meets another guy who sparks her sexual and romantic feelings for him, she will naturally feel drawn to him.

Here’s the thing though…

Even though a woman in a relationship might feel attraction for someone else other than her guy, because she loves him, feels sexually attracted to him and respects him, she won’t be tempted to break his trust by following through on her feelings (i.e. cheating on him with the other guy).

She fell out of love with you, so she no longer felt the need to be loyal

On the other hand, if her feelings for her man have been eroded over time, then she almost certainly won’t feel like she has to be loyal to him anymore and she may use her attraction for the new guy to break up with him and move on.

So, in a case like this, for you to get your girlfriend back, you will have to interact with her (over the phone and in person) and begin reactivating her feelings for you.

The more respect and attraction she feels for you again, the more she will be able to see the flaws in her new guy (e.g. what seemed like a strong sense of confidence before now comes across as arrogance, what felt to her like he was taking the lead in the relationship now feels like he’s being controlling).

At the same time, she starts to remember all the good things about you that she misses (e.g. you always treated her with respect and kindness, you have a great sense of humor and made her laugh, you got on well with her family and friends) and she realizes that she made a mistake.

She then naturally begins to reconnect with her original feelings of love for you and wants you back.

Another possible reason why your girlfriend broke up with you for another guy she met recently is…

2. She never planned on committing for life

She never planned on committing for life

Sometimes a woman will get into a relationship with a man because she doesn’t want to be single while all her friends and female family members have boyfriends and husbands.

However, at the back of her mind she may be thinking things like, “He’s really a good guy and I know he will treat me well, but I can tell that he’s not the one for me. So, I’m just going to enjoy it while it lasts, without worrying about things getting too serious.”

She might enjoy hanging out with him, going on dates, being spoiled by him and always having a partner to accompany her to weddings, parties and other couples events, but she never fully commits herself to him because she doesn’t really feel that all essential spark of attraction with him.

Instead, she views him more as a friend than a boyfriend that she wants to be with in the long-term and possibly even for life.

So, when another guy comes along and ignites feelings inside of her that her boyfriend never did, she won’t hesitate to get into a relationship with him.

Here’s the thing…

Even though a woman might not openly admit that she is looking for a man to settle down with, her biological clock is ticking and she knows it (i.e. she needs to have children before she gets too old).

If she doesn’t want to have children right away (or at all), her instincts will still push her to find a man to be with for life.

So, every day she wastes in a relationship with a guy she believes is not the one for her, is another day she risks losing her perfect man to another woman.

This is why, if she meets a guy who is better able to fill her needs in a relationship (e.g. he makes her feel like a sexy, desirable woman rather than making her feel like a neutral friend), she will listen to her instincts and hook up with him.

In a case like this, if you want to get your girlfriend back, you are going to have to make her see you as the guy for her.

That means, you can’t approach her as a sweet, reliable friend who is willing to hang around and wait for her to realize her mistake and come back.

Instead, you need to use every chance you get to interact with her (especially over the phone and in person) and make her feel strong surges of respect and sexual attraction for you.

The more attracted you make her feel again, the more likely it is that she will begin seeing you as more than just the ex she didn’t want to commit to.

Suddenly, you seem like the right guy for her after all and she feels compelled to give you another chance in case she ends up regretting it later on.

You can then easily get her back.

However, you must spark her feelings for you first.

If you don’t, she will continue to explore her feelings for her new guy.

Another possible reason why your girlfriend broke up with you for another guy she met recently is…

3. She is using him as a rebound to help her get out of the relationship with you

She is using him as a rebound to help her get out of the relationship with you

Sometimes, a woman will find herself stuck in a relationship that doesn’t seem to be living up to her expectations.

It’s not that bad, but it’s not that good either.

However, every time she attempts to break up with her guy, he will talk her out of her decision by saying things like, “Please don’t go. I promise I will change if you give me just one more chance,” or “Please baby, don’t do this to us. I can’t live without you in my life,” or “After everything we’ve shared together, we owe it to ourselves to try and make this relationship work. I promise things will be different this time.”

Over time, she may begin to realize that nothing will ever change with her guy and that the only way to break up with him is to find a new man to get into a relationship with.

She will then use the new guy to help herself get over her ex.

Yet, once she is over her ex enough to handle being on her own, or when she meets another man she feels more attracted to, she will quickly dump the new guy.

The best way to get a woman back in a situation like this is by changing your approach to attraction.

Don’t contact her and offer her the same old attraction experience that she got bored of in the relationship.

Instead, make her feel attracted to you in new and interesting ways, so she feels compelled to give you another chance, or at least meet up with you and sleep with you to see how she feels after that.

Another possible reason why your girlfriend broke up with you for another guy she met recently is…

4. She didn’t intend for it to happen, but she feels a better connection with him

She didn't intend it to happen, but she feels a better connection with him
In some cases, a relationship will be going along fairly well and a woman won’t intend to cheat on her boyfriend, but she does.


It’s usually because, despite her boyfriend being a good guy, she isn’t really in love with him.

She’s fairly happy, but something is missing.

Yet, because she can’t put her finger on it, she usually decides to just ignore it and hopes that things get better.

That is, until she meets another guy with whom she has a much stronger connection (e.g. he’s equally kind and attentive, but he’s also more of a challenge which makes her feel more attracted to him, he is a good man to her, but he also makes her feel like a desirable woman when she’s with him rather than treating her like a neutral friend).

Then suddenly, the missing pieces of the attraction experience between her and her guy become glaring and she feels like she can no longer stay with him.

She then breaks up with him so that she can be with her new guy.

The good news though, is that her ex can still get her back.

All it takes is for him to interact with her over the phone and more importantly, in person and give her an upgraded attraction experience.

For example: Some of the ways he can do that are by…

  • Being the same good guy to her, but also being more of a challenge so she now feels as though she has to work hard to impress him and keep him interested in her, rather than feeling like she doesn’t have to put in any effort.
  • Becoming more confident and self-assured about his attractiveness and value to her, rather than feeling insecure and unsure of himself around her.
  • Seeing himself as more than good enough for her, rather than thinking that the other guy is better than him.
  • Being more manly in his attitude and in how he thinks, talks, acts and behaves, rather than allowing her to dominate him with her confident personality.
  • Improving his ability to make her feel like a desirable, sexy woman during interactions, rather than making her feel like a neutral friend, or worse, turned off by him.

The more attracted he makes her feel again, the less sure she will become about her feelings for the new guy.

She will then start to want him back for her own selfish reasons (e.g. she feels that what she has with her new guy is average compared to the way she now feels with her ex, she fears that she made a mistake and if she loses her ex she will never find true happiness again).

So, by approaching the ex back process in that way, getting her back becomes easy for him, because getting back together is what she wants to do.

Another possible reason why your girlfriend broke up with you for another guy she met recently is…

5. She was planning on breaking up with you for quite a while and was trying to find a way to do it

She was planning on breaking up with you for quite a while and was trying to find a way to do it

Sometimes, a woman might find herself stuck in a relationship that no longer makes her happy.

Somewhere along the line, she stopped feeling respect, attraction and love for her guy, but never could find the right moment to break up with him.

In her mind, she may have even thought things like, “It’s his birthday soon. I can’t dump him now. That would be heartless,” or “As soon as the holidays are over, I’ll break up with him,” or “I don’t know what to say to end this. I don’t want to hurt him, but I also don’t want to give him the chance to try and talk me out of my decision to leave.”

So, when she finally met a man who sparked her sexual and romantic feelings for him, she finally had the excuse she was looking for to break up with her guy.

If he then tried to talk her out of her decision, she could say something along the lines of, “Sorry, but I’ve met someone else. I never meant to hurt you, but things just happened. I hope you can accept it and move on,” and avoid getting into long, drawn out conversations about the relationship and what it would take to make her change her mind.

Win Her Back From the Other Guy By Avoiding These 6 Mistakes

Right now you might thinking that getting your girlfriend back now that she’s with another guy is impossible.

Yet, it’s not.

When you give her an upgraded attraction experience, she won’t be able to stop herself from feeling drawn to you again.

This is why, what you say and do from now on matters.

It will either turn her on and make her want you back, or push her even more into the arms of her new guy.

It’s up to you.

This is why, avoiding the following mistakes is crucial:

1. Getting angry at her and trying to make her feel guilty for the pain you are now experiencing

Being dumped for another man is not a nice experience and understandably, a guy might feel angry with his girl because of it.

Yet, venting his anger on her is actually a bad idea, because not only doesn’t it change anything, it usually adds to her reasons for leaving him.

Here’s the thing…

A woman is not a man’s property and she doesn’t have to stay in a relationship with a man if she doesn’t want to.

So, getting angry with her and trying to make her feel guilty because he can’t handle being dumped by her, isn’t going to change her mind.

In fact, she will most likely lose even more respect and attraction for him as a man and convince her that her new guy is the right guy for her.

As a result, getting her back becomes even more difficult, because she’s now emotionally closed off to him.

Another mistake to avoid is…

2. Asking her too many questions about the other guy and coming across as insecure

Sometimes, a guy might try to understand why his girl left him for the other guy, by asking questions about her new man.

For example: He might ask things like…

  • What has he got that I don’t?
  • What do you see in him?
  • What does he do?
  • What kind of car does he drive?
  • Is he better looking than me?
  • Does he have a lot of money?

Yet, even though his questions might simply stem from curiosity, in a woman’s eyes it will likely look as though he’s feeling insecure about himself and in his attractiveness as a man.

As a result, she will lose even more respect and attraction for him.

So, regardless of how curious you feel about your girlfriend’s new guy, asking her a bunch of questions about him is not a good idea.

Not only won’t that help you get her back, it may even make him appear more attractive in her eyes (i.e. because he seems more confident and self-assured compared to you).

Another mistake to avoid is…

3. Never really understanding what pieces of the attraction experience were missing

Never really understanding what pieces of the attraction experience were missing

A woman won’t always tell a guy her secret reasons for breaking up with him.

Instead, she might just move on with another guy rather than have to explain herself to him.

This is why, if you want to get your girlfriend back, you have to get to the core reasons for the break up (other than her meeting someone else) and begin to fix those things, rather than giving up and walking away, or trying to patch up the relationship by offering her things that she doesn’t want or even care about.

If you can’t give her the attraction she really wants in a relationship, she will continue to move on with the other guy instead.

So, if you want to get her back now, you’ve got to be willing to first understand what was missing in the relationship and then, to use a new approach to attraction to re-attract her.

Don’t try to get her back by thinking, acting and behaving in the same old ways that caused her to look to another guy in the hope of finding what she felt was missing in her relationship with you.

It’s time to use a new and unexpected approach that shocks her into wanting to be your woman again.

Another mistake to avoid is…

4. Hoping that she will come back on her own, if you just wait long enough

If your plan to getting your girlfriend back is to wait for her to get tired of her new guy and come back to you, you’re likely in for a big shock.

Here’s the thing…

When a woman’s sexual and romantic feelings are being sparked by another guy, chances are pretty high, she’s not going to suddenly start missing an ex who is ignoring her.

Instead, she’s going to be falling more and more in love with the guy who is there and is making her feel the way she wants to feel (e.g. attracted, excited, exhilarated, turned on).

So, if you want her back, you need to make sure that you’re the one who is sparking her feelings.

The more respect, attraction and love she starts to feel for you again, the more she will want to be your girl again.

On the other hand, if you wait on the sidelines for her to come back on her own, you could be waiting in vain.

Another mistake to avoid is…

5. Losing confidence in your ability to keep a woman happy, which ends up coming through in your vibe when interacting with new women

Sometimes, when a guy gets dumped for someone else, he might begin thinking that he just wasn’t good enough as a boyfriend.

However, when a guy starts thinking like that, it begins to show in his attitude and in the way that he talks, thinks, acts and behaves around his ex and other women (e.g. he puts himself down during conversation, he has a defeatist attitude, he seems nervous and unsure of himself, he uses self-deprecating humor).

What he doesn’t realize is that kind of thinking is naturally unattractive to women.

Of course, when he notices that his ex and other women feel turned off by him, he then loses even more confidence in himself and in his ability to get her back.

Don’t put yourself through that unnecessary pain.

If you want to win your ex back, or even attract another, high quality woman, then you have to believe in yourself and in your value to her.

If you can’t believe that you’re good enough for her, neither will she.

Then, the idea of leaving her new guy for a man who isn’t worthy of her, simply won’t appeal to her.

Another mistake to avoid is…

6. Not knowing that you can break up her new relationship and get her back fairly quickly

When a woman looks like she’s moving on with someone else, a guy might start believing that getting her back will be impossible.

Yet, here’s the thing…

Just because your ex is with someone else right now, it doesn’t mean he’s the right guy for her.

So, don’t give up.

You really can change how she feels about you and get her back, if you want to.

You can take control of the ex back process by focusing on reactivating her sexual and romantic feelings for you, so she feels confused about her feelings for the other guy.

Then kiss, have sex and get her back into a relationship with you that 100% better than before.

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