If you are an intelligent guy who is usually smarter than most people you meet, it can be frustrating to realize that other guys with far less brain power than you seem to be fighting women off with a stick. So, what gives? Why isn’t your intelligence giving you a clear advantage when it comes to hooking up with women?
Sadly, too often I hear from men who complain about their lack of a love life, but when I dig a little deeper by asking a few questions, I usually discover that the real reason these men don’t have a woman is
For some guys, a first date is a nerve-wracking experience that leads to them saying too many of the wrong things in a row until they turn the woman off completely
First dates don’t always lead into second dates, even when you really want them to. Here are some possible reasons why she doesn’t want a second date
Do you need to know about erogenous zones to be truly successful with women?