While it’s true that “words” are a critical part of a conversation, there is a lot more communication that goes on between you and a woman than mere words. To be successful at talking to women, you also need to know
One of the biggest sex myths of all is that we men think about it every seven seconds. According to a study carried out by Dr Terri Fisher at Ohio State University in the US
Have you ever been at a party where certain guys in the room seem to be effortlessly holding everyone’s attention? Do you find yourself looking on from the edge of the room, wondering what it is he’s got that seems to make him such a “people magnet”? How is he able to be so comfortable around all the girls?
Do you feel like you might have been rejected by a woman (or women) at one time or another in your life? Maybe you feel as though women reject you all the time! If so, you will be feeling a lot better after reading this article
If you’re a guy who wants to score a classy woman, how do you define classy? In the dictionary, classy is listed as an adjective meaning “stylish and sophisticated,” but does that definition describe what you’re looking for in a woman?