3 Common Habits of Successful Men

3 Common Habits of Successful Men

Successful men are routinely successful. For them, being successful is simply a habit. When something you do becomes so routine that you do it without really thinking about it, it has become a habit. We all have things that we routinely do on a daily basis, so we all have habits. The question is, are your habits successful habits, or are they leading you down the wrong track?

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Dealing with regret

Dealing With Regret: If Only You’d Done it Differently…

If you find yourself saying “If only” on a regular basis and often spend your days thinking about how things might have been “if only” you’d done things differently, you are living your life in a state of continual regret. A life of regret is a life spent looking backwards; looking at what could have been rather enjoying what actually is and looking forward to what could still be for you.

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Woman shocked by truth

Should You Always Be Totally Honest With a Woman?

Modern women value honesty in a relationship and it’s a character trait that’s guaranteed to feature on any ‘must have’ list related to finding the ideal man. Honesty is synonymous with truthfulness, decency, and being an all-round genuine person, but, is honesty always the best policy in a relationship? Is an absolutely truthful answer always the best response when asked, “Does my bum look big in this?”

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Being a man in 1911 vs. today

10 Ways Being a Man Has Changed Since 1911

The definition of being a man has changed drastically over the past century. As the world has evolved immensely, so has the role and behavior of men in society. From inter-gender relations to clothing options to the way you carry yourself, here are 10 ways that being a man has changed in the last 100 years…

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