5 stages of a relationship

The 5 Stages of a Relationship

Relationships grow and develop in stages and through research into actual experiences, those stages have become known as the ’Stages of Committed Relationships’. Not all couples go through every stage at the same speed or even reach every stage, but the following five stages represent an overview of the most commonly experienced stages of a long-term relationship.

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Long distance relationship

Long Distance Relationship: Can You Make it Work?

In theory, we should all be able to meet someone in our local area, but what if you have met a special woman and your circumstances then change because one of you relocates, what then? Can your relationship survive when it becomes a long-distance one?

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Maintaining a great relationship

Maintaining a Great Relationship With a Woman

You wooed her, you won her and now you’re in a relationship but something is off. You’re starting to see signs that she’s losing interest and you’re not sure how to get back that ‘loving feeling’ and excitement you had at the beginning of your relationship. Here’s some tested advice on how to re-spark and then maintain her attraction to you.

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Meeting girlfriend's ex boyfriend or husband

How to React When You Run Into Her Ex-Boyfriend

If your date or girlfriend still lives in the same general area as her ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, then the chances are pretty fair that at one time or another you’re going to run into him. So how should you react when you run into her ex?

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