To get a girl to ask you out, you need to make her feel intense attraction for you to the point where she feels turned on by you and wants to have sex with you as soon as possible.
Then, to make her be the one who asks you out, you need to ensure that you are a challenge for her to win over.
Watch this video to understand how it works…
As you will discover from the video above, a woman will begin to chase you and try to get you to take her out, kiss her or admit that you like her if you can be a challenge to win over.
However, being a challenge is not about acting or pretending to be a challenge (e.g. acting disinterested, avoiding her, telling her that you don’t like her).
The right way to be a challenge is to make her feel a lot of attraction for you and then only show real signs of interest when she impresses you (e.g. she dresses well, she says something funny, she does something nice for you, she laughs at your jokes, etc).
If she isn’t presenting herself in the way that you want, you have to hold back from being fully interested in her. Only decide to give her a chance to be with you when you feel like she deserves it.
Why Don’t Girls Ask Me Out?
Some guys waste half their life hoping to be asked out by girls, but it never happens for them.
Is it because the guy isn’t good looking enough, rich enough or tall enough?
Here is the real reason why so many good guys fail with women…
As you will discover from the video above, most girls (not all girls) are much more flexible about what they find attractive than most guys realize.
Most of the guys who never get asked out by girls are simply making the mistake of being too much of a nice guy and not doing ANYTHING to spark the girl’s feelings of sexual attraction for him.
Making it Happen
If a girl is going to ask you out, she will first have to be feeling SO MUCH attraction for you that she simply can’t stop herself from saying something that suggest she likes you and wants something to happen between you and her.
What will she say?
Don’t expect her to say, “Hey I like you and want to date you. Do you want to go out on a date with me and be my boyfriend?”
Why? Most girls aren’t that direct and will instead hint at how much they like you or hint at wanting to catch up with you one on one.
For example: She might say, “So, do you have any plans for this weekend?” or “Are you going to the party on Friday night?”
Girls do this to give you hints and then they hope that you have enough confidence in yourself to know that she really is interested.
Girls also hope that you have enough masculinity to take charge of the situation, rather than hoping that she is “the man” in the situation and guides you through the process by kissing you first, undressing you and having sex with you..
If you want her to ask you out,you’re going to have to be so irresistible that she feels powerless to stop herself from saying something or, at the very least, she feels that she can’t help but make it completely obvious that she wants to go out with you. So how do you do that?
Trigger her feelings of sexual attraction for you. You can do this by displaying confidence, charisma, charm and making her laugh during a conversation.
Watch this video to understand where guys mess up when talking to girls and what you should do instead to succeed…
As you will discover from the video above, most guys ruin a girl’s attraction when they talk to her, which is a huge opportunity for you.
When you are the guy that effortlessly turns girls on during conversation, you are the guy that they line up to ask out. The more girls that are interested in you, the more attracted other girls become. It’s really cool how it works.
3 Traits That Will Make Her Attracted to You
You can attract girls in more than 100 different ways and literally make girls go crazy over you.
Here are 3 examples of ways to attract women:
1. Confidence
A guy with genuine self-confidence knows how to talk to girls in a way that makes them feel relaxed and comfortable in his presence, whereas a nervous, self-doubting, shy guy makes girls feel uncomfortable.
Unless a girl is mean, she won’t want to feel responsible for making a guy feel nervous and anxious when talking to her. So, rather than continuing to talk to him, she will usually reject him, ignore him or be cold towards him in the hope that he will go away.
When a confident guy talks to a girl, she not only feels attracted, but she can relax because she doesn’t have to be gentle with him. She can be nice or challenging towards the confident guy and he will always remain confident. This allows the girl to be herself and as a result, she feels happier around the confident guy.
Women are also attracted to confident guys because life is often very challenging and women feel safer when with a confident guy compared to a nervous, self-doubting, shy guy.
2. Masculinity
Girls are instinctively attracted to guys with masculine traits (e.g. confidence, drive, assertiveness, determination, presence, masculine vibe, etc).
Girls automatically know when they are in the presence of such a man because they suddenly feel feminine and girly when around him. Most of the guys that a girl meets won’t be able to make her feel that way because guys mistakenly suppress their masculinity to be nice and to hopefully get along with her like a friend.
If you want girls to feel sexually turned on by you, don’t suppress your masculinity.
Just like you feel instantly attracted to a girl who is physically beautiful, a girl will feel instantly attracted to a guy who is masculine in his thinking, behavior, vibe and attitude.
However, don’t make the mistake of acting like you are tough or too cool for her or anyone else. That is insecurity, not masculinity.
A real masculine guy doesn’t need to put on any act. He’s the man and he knows it.
3. Social intelligence
A guy with social intelligence is able to get along with people easily, make people respect him and if he is a good guy, he is also respectful to others.
With social intelligence, you are a guy who makes friends easily and you are completely relaxed just being yourself in any social environment.
A confident, masculine guy with social intelligence is very attractive in a girl’s eyes and is the type of guy that she would be willing to ask out if she had to.
Avoiding Rejection if You Decide to Ask Her Out
If you don’t want to wait for her to ask you out, there’s a technique that I call a Half Date, which ensures you won’t be rejected for asking her out on a formal date.
Examples of Half Dates are:
- Inviting her to a party that you’re already going to.
- Inviting her to join you and some friends who are going to a bar on a Friday night.
- Inviting her to a house party at your place.
- Inviting her to join you to go watch your favorite sports team with some friends.
Sometimes you can’t get a girl to join you for a traditional first date (just you and her), so you will need to invite her to a party or get her to meet you and some friends at a bar/club.
Essentially, it’s about inviting her to an event or place that you are going to be at with friends. That way, it’s not a 1-on-1 date and both you and her don’t have to be worried about getting rejected.
When she attends the Half Date, simply ensuring that you are making her feel attracted to you. Then, when the moment is right, get alone with her and move in for a kiss or invite to come and “hang out” at your place after the event.
Want to Know the SECRET to Success With Women?
Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.
This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.
Dan buddy,
Something I can’t get my head around. For us guys right we can see a stunningly attractive woman we walk over and talk to her but we find out we have little or no chemistry/compatibility. In this scenairo our attraction for a woman like that remains regardless if we don’t have any interest in taking it further. Does it work the same way for women?
I’ve got a feeling the answer is no, a womans attraction for you is based on the chemistry you have how you guys click and her attraction grows based on that I’m assuming if you have little or no chemistry with a woman shes not going to feel anything for you?
That seems to make sense to me however lol I’ve heard you say that when you go and talk to women they try to be compatible with you and they shift and change in the moment even if you guys aren’t a great fit because of the way you’re coming across, communicating and the fact you’re an alpha male which kind of brings me full circle in thinking it works the same way for women as it does for us that they can feel a lot of attraction regardless of chemistry/compatibility.
How does it work lol?
Appreciate a detailed answer if you can so I can let go of this riddle, appreciate it!
Hey Richard
Thanks for your question.
Sometimes, you can escalate to kissing and sex purely on attraction alone. Ben, Stu and I provide examples of how we’ve done that in the free, bonus program that comes with Dating Power, called Dating Power Stories: In most cases though, you need attraction and good chemistry, but I’ve slept with at least 20 women on attraction alone. For the record, I’ve slept with more than 250 and am now in a committed relationship.
If you’re just talking about one night stands, then know that you don’t always need a great connection to go the whole way. However, if you’re talking about starting a relationship, then you need everything to make it work.
About why women shift and change to suit me: They did that because the level of attraction they were feeling. They couldn’t help but try to impress me and change themselves to suit me because they didn’t want to miss out on being with me.
Hey Dan appreciate that man!
So technically a bit of both lol you can make women feel a strong level of attraction based on how you’re coming across, how you speak, displaying alpha male qualities, your social intelligence, confident body language, fearlessly expressing yourself etc and then the chemistry/compatibility just adds to interest even more but you need those things as well as the attraction if you want women to come on dates, have a good relationship etc, cool.
One more thing on this Dan man then I’ll leave you in peace ;’) why then do certain women feel lots of attraction for you then and others the attraction bar is almost 0% like for us guys and what we’re attracted to physical beauty, but physical beauty takes on many forms like I’ve heard you mention you like african women and you’ve never felt that much attraction for any type of woman before whereas for me man I can’t remember the last black woman I found really attractive doesn’t really do it for me, I like white women with jet black hair, dark eyes, other guys like blondes, asians, certain body types, facial features etc which makes me think certain women are amazing and other guys thing shes alright I guess what I’m getting at here is why don’t ALL women feel attraction for you when you are an alpha male, like confidence, social intelligence these are set things they don’t take on different forms like physical attractiveness can so why would all women not feel attraction for you if you are an alpha male? Because I’ve heard you say you can attract most women which implies theres certain women that are out of reach so to speak. Or do these traits take on many forms like every guy has a different vibe, demeanour, way of expressing himself, and women feel this which formulates a feeling of attraction which makes the majority of women attracted but then theres some women that won’t feel much?
I’m not one of these newbies by the way lol who thinks I have to pick up every woman I get its about finding compatible women I’m just interested in understanding this.
Hey Richard
You’re welcome mate.
A guy can be exactly what a woman is looking for, but then he starts behaving in a certain way during an interaction, says something odd or reacts to her interests in the wrong way and she can then lose interest in him. That is completely normal and without it, we’d end up just hooking up with any woman and women would just hook up with any man.
Only desperate guys and some desperate women will hook up with pretty much anyone from the opposite sex who shows them interest. From there, other guys fumble their way into relationships with slightly compatible women and then try to “make it work” for the rest of their life. Following that, there are guys like me who actually choose the women they date and get into a relationship with based on many factors. For instance, when I saw my girlfriend walk into a nightclub, I turned to my friend and said, “Now THAT is what I’m talking about. I’d let her be my girlfriend for at least a couple of months.” Those couple of months have almost become a couple of years now because she keeps ticking all the right boxes. Unless something weird or extraordinary happens, her and I won’t be breaking up for life.
Another thing: Stop thinking so much and just approach! 🙂 Build your confidence, become the sort of guy who can choose the women he wants and then enjoy the fruits of that (i.e. multiple women at once or finding a sexually satisfying girlfriend or wife and then get on with being happy in a relationship and living your true purpose as a man).
Not the answer I was looking for mate lol but you’re right :’) I guess I don’t need to know about it in that much detail I should just be experiencing it more for myself rather than getting to caught up in the theory of it all most of the answers will reveal themselves as I get involved in it more.
Thanks for the insights.
You’re welcome mate.
Now get out there and approach. Women DO want to be approached. I even asked them that very question in the early days of The Modern Man: (scroll down to see the audio player).